coz update

Dear Friends and Faimly,

Well, Coz is still in the hospital as of Wednesday morning. He had the vaccum pup taken off the skin graft yesterday so he is no longer attached to any drainage systems. He also stood up for the first time and sat in a recliner for a couple hours. He needs to be on a CPM machine which helps bend his knee slowly. He started bending it at 25 degrees and is up to 70 degrees. He stays on this machine for 2 hours, three times a day. Then he needs to extend his leg flat for an hour, this is the most painful for him. Today they will get him out of bed twice and try to have him walk. His leg is all fixed up and healing well, the doctor will order for discharge when he feels that Coz is safe to get himself around. This whole time in hospital has been a day by day experience so we will see how it goes today. Hopefully he can come home tomorrow. The girls are still with my mom and sister. When Coz is discharged they will then stay with Coz's mum for a couple days to give Coz and I time to get situated back at home. I have to figure out how to get the girls from Hershey to King of Prussia, if anyone is willing to help with transportation please let me know. We think it would be a little too stressful for us all to travel back to Philly together. We are extremely grateful for all your prayers, emails, phone calls and cards. Thanks so much and I will continue to keep you posted.
